How Often Should I Bathe My Chiweenie?

Cute Chiweenie In The Tub

Being the owner of 2 chiweenies, I can confidently say that these crossbreeds don’t require that much maintenance. But even I continue to wonder, how often should I really bathe these dogs? I have surfed the internet for answers, and these are the things that I have learned.

So, how often should you bathe chiweenies? You should bathe your chiweenies about once a month. But the frequency can increase depending on your chiweenies’ coat length, general stinkiness, and desire to get dirty during physical activities. Also be careful in bathing your chiweenies too much. This may reduce the natural oil in their coats and cause skin irritations.

I will expand this answer below. Continue reading if you want to know more about chiweenies and their bathing requirements, based on my personal experience and research.

Your chiweenie doesn’t need to bathe a lot

Chiweenies are a mix of dachshunds and chihuahuas. Because of the traits of their parents, chiweenies typically have short to medium length coats. This makes chiweenies low-maintenance dogs. You don’t really need to exert a lot of effort to keep them clean.

The longer the coat of your chiweenies, the more often you need to bathe your dogs. But this is just a general guideline. The frequency of bathing will also depend on your chiweenies’ stinkiness and their tendency to get dirty while playing.

If you have had multiple dogs in your home, you will notice that different dogs have different levels of natural stinkiness. If your chiweenies’ smells are bothering you, you may want to give them a bath more often.

You may have also noticed that different dogs have different personalities. Some dogs like to roll over grass and soil more than others. If your chiweenies like getting into dirt while playing, you may want to give them a bath more often.

Generally speaking, chiweenies have short coats and don’t carry that much odor, so bathing them once a month will often suffice. But remember that chiweenies are energetic dogs too. If they happen to like getting into dirt while playing, this can increase the frequency of bathing to even twice a month.

What to look for in dog shampoos for your chiweenie

Remember that different dogs react differently to shampoo formulas. A good formula for one chiweenie may not be good for the other. There are a lot of factors at play here, such as the chiweenies’ coat length and vulnerability to skin irritation. For best results, it’s ideal to consult your dogs’ veterinarian.

Here are some interesting shampoo formulas and ingredients that may suit your chiweenies:

  • Chemical-free – Some dog shampoos have harsh ingredients to ensure the cleanliness of the dogs that will be using them. These are good intentions, but they can also be too harsh to certain dogs. Chiweenies are sensitive dogs, so you may opt for chemical-free or soap-free dog shampoos.
  • Hypoallergenic – Chiweenies have a tendency to have sensitive skin. They get this trait from their chihuahua parents. You can try using shampoos that are labeled as hypoallergenic. These shampoos don’t have the harsh ingredients that may be found in stronger shampoo formulas.
  • Moisturizing formula – Chiweenies with short coats are more likely to suffer from skin issues, such as the cracking and drying of skin. Cracked and dry skin can be dangerous, because it can lead to infections. You can try using shampoos with moisturizing formulas to heal or prevent such skin issues.
  • Puppy shampoo – Your chiweenies may have sensitive eyes, especially if they are still young. Prevent their sensitive eyes from getting exposed to harsh ingredients by using puppy shampoos. Dog shampoos specifically made for puppies often have gentler ingredients. The gentler formula may help your chiweenies’ coat and skin too.

In short, consider using dog shampoos with milder ingredients for your chiweenies. This is because your chiweenies can be very sensitive and may react negatively to shampoos with harsh ingredients.

Best dog shampoos for your chiweenie

As said earlier, it’s best to consult your dogs’ veterinarian if you are looking for the best dog shampoos for your pets. But this doesn’t mean that you can’t look for dog shampoos on your own. There are a lot of great products out there. Just make sure to look for formulas and ingredients enumerated above.

Here are some dog shampoo recommendations for your chiweenies.

Oliver’s Choice Pet Shampoo (Aloe, Oatmeal, and Shea Butter)

Oliver’s Choice Pet Shampoo (Aloe, Oatmeal, and Shea Butter) is a great choice for your chiweenies. Aloe, oatmeal, and shea butter are nice ingredients because they help in moisturizing cracked and dry skin. They are also great in preventing irritation and relieving itchiness.

Another bonus for this dog shampoo is that it’s biodegradable. This means that it causes less pollution for the environment.

K9 Pro Aloe and Oatmeal Cucumber Melon Shampoo

Like the Oliver’s Choice pet shampoo, the K9 Pro Aloe and Oatmeal Cucumber Melon Shampoo has aloe and oatmeal for your chiweenies’ sensitive skin. This dog shampoo has a soap-free and hypoallergenic formula.

As if that’s not enough to choose this product, it also has a cucumber and melon scent to keep your chiweenies smelling fresh.

Pet Care Sciences Tearless Puppy Shampoo and Conditioner

Like the two entries above, the Pet Care Sciences Tearless Puppy Shampoo and Conditioner has aloe and oatmeal. This dog shampoo and conditioner also has coconut oil to help improve damaged skin.

 This product also has a tearless formula, ensuring the safety of your young chiweenies’ sensitive eyes.

What to do if your chiweenie doesn’t like baths

Yes, chiweenies are low-maintenance dogs that only need baths once every few weeks. But even the simple task of bathing can be stressful, especially if your chiweenies don’t like baths. So, what do you do if your chiweenies don’t enjoy bathing?

1. Train them early. Thanks to their chihuahua genes, chiweenies can be very stubborn. It may be hard to change bad habits once they have grown up. It’s best to start training your chiweenies to enjoy bath time while they are still puppies.

2. Let them explore the tub while it’s dry. Some dogs simply don’t like the intimidating and unfamiliar. Bathtubs with bubbles and running water can easily be intimidating and unfamiliar to dogs who don’t know any better. Familiarize your dogs with the bathtub by letting them explore it while it’s dry and less suspicious.

3. Have a positive attitude. Chiweenies may become uncooperative and more suspicious if you bring a negative attitude in the bathtub. When you are about to bathe your chiweenies, make sure that you are bringing positive vibes. It will make bathing a more pleasant experience for both you and your dogs.

4. Make sure that the water temperature is comfortable. Remember that you and your dogs feel things differently. What is normal to you may be too hot or cold for your chiweenies. The general idea is to keep the bath water lukewarm. This way, your chiweenies will be more accepting to feel it on their bodies and take a bath.

5. Use gentle and nice-smelling shampoos. Maybe your chiweenies don’t like baths because you are using harsh shampoos. Remember that your chiweenies can be very sensitive and not react well with strong ingredients. Use shampoos that are mild to make your chiweenies more trusting and shampoos that smell nice to make the bath more inviting.

Other grooming requirements for your chiweenie

It’s important to bathe your chiweenies regularly to keep them healthy and hygienic. But don’t forget that your dogs have other grooming requirements, such as the following:

  • Brushing fur – Collect loose fur from your chiweenies by brushing. The frequency of brushing their fur will depend on the length of their coats. For chiweenies with short coats, it may be enough to brush once a week. For those with longer coats, you may need to brush every day or every other day.
  • Cleaning teeth – Chiweenies are prone to dental problems. As small dogs, their teeth are packed inside small mouths. Plaque and tartar are likely to thrive. Take care of your chiweenies’ dental health by cleaning their teeth once a week with a good-tasting dog toothpaste.
  • Trimming nails – You know your chiweenies’ nails are too long when they are already clicking against the floor. Trim your dogs’ nails once or twice a month, before they split and injure you or your dogs. You can also let professional groomers do this for you.

Keep your chiweenies healthy and hygienic by brushing their fur, cleaning their teeth, trimming their nails, and giving them baths regularly.


Chiweenies are low-maintenance dogs. You only need to bathe them about once a month. You can bathe them more if they have longer coats, already stinky, and if they tend to play a lot in the dirt. But be careful in bathing them too often because you may reduce their natural coat oil.

Use mild shampoos because chiweenies have sensitive skin.

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