Do Chiweenies Have Back Problems?

Chiweenie Laying On Back

Chiweenies are what you get when you combine chihuahuas and dachshunds. Since I have 2 chiweenies at home, this got me a little worried. Will my chiweenies have back problems? After all, chihuahuas and dachshunds are known to have back problems too. It’s not surprising that their children will inherit these problems, right?

So, are chiweenies at risk of having back problems? Yes, chiweenies are at risk of having back problems just like their chihuahua and dachshund parents. The problems can occur because of genetics or simply wear and tear. But it’s a good thing that there are things you can do to diagnose, treat, and even prevent these problems.

I have searched the internet extensively for that summarized answer. Let me explain everything I have found out in detail below.

Why chiweenies have back problems

There are a lot of reasons why chiweenies can have back problems. They can get into accidents and suffer from traumatic injuries. They can suffer from wear and tear as they get older.

But these things can be prevented to some extent. You can keep your chiweenies from getting into accidents and give them support to minimize pressure in their backs that may fast-track wear and tear. The real threat is intervertebral disc disease (IVDD or sometimes called IDD).

Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD)

Intervertebral disc disease is the condition wherein the discs in your dogs’ spines are damaged. This can cause severe pain and even death.

Both chihuahuas and dachshunds are prone to this condition. Dachshunds are particularly prone because of their elongated backs and short legs. In fact, about 25% of dachshunds experience this condition at some point in their lives.

So, it’s not really surprising that their chiweenie children inherit the proneness. This is especially true for chiweenies with elongated backs and short legs.

How to diagnose the back problems of chiweenies

Luckily, IVDD can be diagnosed. The earlier it is diagnosed, the more chances for you and your dogs to offset or treat the problems. Understand that there are cases where you can’t fully solve the problems. But you can do some things to put the odds in your chiweenies’ favor.

Doctor diagnosis

The best way to diagnose IVDD is through the help of doctors. It is a good idea to send your chiweenies to your veterinarian if you think your dogs are showing signs of pain. But your veterinarian may refer you to another who is more specialized, like a veterinary neurologist or surgeon.

The doctor may take neck and back images through CT, MRI, or X-ray. They may also perform a full physical test of your chiweenies. They may particularly look at breathing and heart rates, weakness in the back or legs, and tenderness in the abdominal areas. Other tests such as bloodwork, panniculus test, and knee jerk reflex test, may also be necessary.

But you also don’t need to wait for signs of pain before you bring your chiweenies to your veterinarian. Chiweenies that are only a few years old can get their necks and backs imaged to look for indications of future IVDD.

Personal diagnosis

Nobody knows your chiweenies better than you do. You will feel or know when something is a bit off. Trust your instincts and take them to the vet while your dogs are not yet writhing in severe pain. An undiagnosed intervertebral disc disease can only get worse.

But you shouldn’t fully rely on your instincts either. Here are some warning signs of back problems in chiweenies that you should look out for.

  • Avoiding turning their head
  • Becoming aggressive or restless due to pain
  • Crying or yelping every time you touch them
  • Dragging, limping, or hopping on one leg
  • Hiding in a crate or corner
  • Hunching their back while standing
  • Keeping their head low
  • Refusing to eat or drink
  • Walking in an awkward manner

Different dogs have different tolerance to pain. You may never know how your chiweenies are hurting inside. So, it’s best to assume that their pain is a medical emergency. Go to your veterinarian immediately if you see a lot of these signs.

How to treat the back problems of chiweenies

The back problems of your chiweenies can be so severe that they end up getting disabled or paralyzed. Paralysis can last for days or weeks. And in worst cases, it can even be permanent. In such cases, euthanasia is often recommended.

But for less severe cases, there are 2 general methods of treatment: back surgery or crate rest.

Back surgery

For more advanced cases, veterinarians often recommend back surgery. The process often involves the removal of a piece in the vertebral body, the cleaning out of a disc tissue, or the general relief of pressure in the spinal cord. But back surgery is not a guarantee that the dogs’ back problems will be magically solved.

There are a lot of factors that can affect results such as:

  • Condition of the spinal cord
  • Location of the back problem
  • Longevity of the back problem
  • Severity of the damage

Some dogs recover after surgery, but some do not, especially those that are already paralyzed. Dealing with paralyzed dogs is a whole new problem in itself. There is the hassle of taking care of them forever and the ethical concerns about euthanasia.

In short, surgery is not 100% effective and it’s very expensive. But don’t use these reasons as an excuse to not go with the surgery, especially if the surgery has been recommended by a veterinarian.

Crate rest

For less advanced cases, veterinarians often recommend crate rest. This can also be a follow-up treatment method after the dogs have underdone back surgery.

During a crate rest, your chiweenies will be put in a cage or a crate that is small enough to restrict your dogs from being too physically active. Your chiweenies shouldn’t be able to jump, run, or perform other activities that can further strain their back problems. This treatment method can last for a few weeks. If there are not enough improvements in your chiweenies’ conditions, they may require surgery.

Crate rest may look a lot simpler than back surgery, but it’s not without challenges. Here are common problems you may encounter:

  • Your chiweenies may start whining. Chiweenies are energetic dogs. They are also prone to having separation anxiety. If you put them in a cage or crate where they can’t move a lot and where they are separated from you for a long time, they may act up. Get pain medication or sedatives from your veterinarian to help put your chiweenies at ease.
  • You can prematurely release your chiweenies. If you see improvements after a few weeks, you may think that your chiweenies are already healed. That’s not necessarily true. You may be seeing improvements thanks to the pain medication or sedatives. But the back problems may still persist. Follow your veterinarian’s recommendation instead of deciding for yourself to release your dogs.

How to prevent back problems in chiweenies

Sure, chiweenies can get back problems because of genetics and wear and tear. But this doesn’t mean you should just leave everything to fate. You can do something to lessen the risk of back problems. The odds may not be in your favor, but it’s better to try than do nothing. Many of these prevention tips are very easy to do anyway, so you’re not going to lose anything.

  • Keep your chiweenies physically fit. If you don’t keep your chiweenies physically fit, they can become overweight. The excess weight can add more stress on their back and cause problems.
  • Give them a well-balanced diet. Chiweenies are small dogs. They can easily become overweight if you don’t control their diet. Give them a healthy balance of lean meats and fats.
  • Don’t let them use the stairs. Using the stairs can put too much pressure on their spines. Use baby gates to prevent your chiweenies from climbing the stairs. You can also use ramps so going up and down your home becomes easier for your pets. If you don’t like to install these, you can just carry them whenever you need them up or down your home.
  • Don’t let them form the habit of jumping. Chiweenies are naturally energetic dogs, thanks to their chihuahua parents. But don’t let them form the habit of jumping. Jumping can strain their backs. Don’t let them jump up or down furniture.
  • Let go of the collar and use a harness instead. Collars can strain both their neck and back. Use a harness instead. A harness distributes the pressure throughout the body so the neck and back don’t need to absorb all of it.

Final Thoughts

Chiweenies are precious little dogs. Don’t let their proneness to back problems stop you from enjoying the company of chiweenies. They can stay with you for 12 to 16 years, lighting up your home for a long time.

Not all chiweenies experience back problems. And even those who do can live long and happy lives.

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